Wholesale Sporting Goods Supplier Priced at Asset Value
- List Price: $350,000
- Sales: $586,551
- Adjusted Income: NA
- Down Payment: NA
- FFE Values: 7500
- Inventory: 290000
- R.E. Value: NA
- Location: Utah
Give us a call 801-947-8300
This family-owned business started in 1990 and for over 33 years has provided a variety of sporting goods to retail stores in Utah and the Intermountain West. They have developed strong relationships with approximately 150 active accounts, from licensed sporting goods stores to convenience and grocery stores. They also maintain excellent relationships with major brand suppliers. They do not sell to retail customers.
Their marketing efforts are mostly through in-house telephone contacts with their customers. Two independent sales representatives also carry their product lines.
The owners want to retire and in recent years have not been very aggressive marketing to new customers — new owners with internet marketing experience could increase revenues. They also have not increased prices — the owners believe the market could bear a 5–10 percent price increase, which would boost the bottom line. Also, adding additional independent reps would be a must.
The business is priced to sell at asset value and is not location-sensitive.